

Policy, legal and regulatory frameworks for Blue Economy in Black Sea Region (Ukraine)


Policy and regulatory framework:

Marine transport. There are three large rivers in Ukraine (Dnipro, Dniester, Danube), which are internal waterways, as well as small rivers, canals, lakes and estuaries. In addition, Ukraine is a maritime state, as it has access to the Black and Azov seas.

Regulation of relations in this field belongs to the most priority directions of the domestic policy of Ukraine. Creation of legal incentives for the development of this transport system in accordance with the directions of state development enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine is one of the main keys to improving the well-being of the entire society and its economic potential in particular.

Administrative and legal regulation of activities of both sea and river transport can be attributed to basic regulation, because the main laws in this field are by their nature administrative and legal acts. In addition, administrative and legal regulation mediates management relations between legal entities subordinate to each other. And the governing body in this case carries out public administration.

The issue of navigation on inland waterways of Ukraine is regulated by laws, codes, statutes, resolutions, regulations on transport in general and some of its types.

Organizational and legal, economic principles of transport activity are determined by the Laws of Ukraine "On Transport", "On Sea Ports of Ukraine", the Water Code of Ukraine and a number of other legal acts.

Also, the operation of water transport is determined, in addition to acts of special legislation, by some norms of acts of a general nature, for example, the Civil, Economic, Budget, Tax, Land Code of Ukraine, Laws of Ukraine "On Environmental Protection", "On Concession", etc.

Some position in the composition of these legal acts is also occupied by program documents. And these documents include the National Transport Strategy of the country for the period up to 2030.

State regulation of economic activity on inland water transport is carried out by: Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine; Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine; Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine; local state administrations. The main functions of state regulation of water transport activities are: formation of the service market; control over the implementation of legislation regarding water transport; regulatory and legal regulation on water transport issues; licensing of carriers; standardization and certification; organization and control of water transportation; tariff, innovation and investment policy; the state order for socially significant public water transport services; protection of the rights of users of water transport services

The State Service of Sea and River Transport of Ukraine (Maritime Administration) acts as the central body of executive power, the activities of which are directed and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through the Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine. The Maritime Administration executes its own powers directly and through the created territorial bodies.

Also, with the transition to market relations, the improvement of the very structure and regulatory framework of the activities of the central executive bodies, the object of administrative regulation was also modified. Thus, the mission of the Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine is the formation and implementation of state policy in all fields of transport, including sea and river transport, ensuring traffic safety, navigational and hydrographic support for shipping, commercial shipping, etc. Within the framework of this mission, the National Transport Strategy of Ukraine for the period until 2030 was developed. It determined the development priorities of this industry and acts as the main document regulating the development of the transport sector of Ukraine. 

Marine tourism. Currently, marine tourism in Ukraine is developing within the framework of recreational, sports and adventure-active depending on the goal, amateur and planned depending on the organizational foundations.

Implementation of state policy in the field of tourism is carried out by: defining and implementing the main directions of state policy in the field of tourism, priority directions of tourism development; determining the order of classification and assessment of tourist resources of Ukraine, their use and protection; allocation of budget funds for the development and implementation of programs for tourism development; determination of the basics of tourism security; regulatory regulation of relations in the field of tourism (tourist, hotel, excursion and other types of services to citizens); licensing in the field of tourism, standardization and certification of tourist services, determination of qualification requirements for the positions of tourist support specialists, issuance of permits for the right to provide tourist support; establishing a system of statistical accounting and reporting in the field of tourism and the resort and recreation complex; organization and implementation of state control over compliance the legislation in the field of tourism; determination of priority directions and coordination of scientific research and training of personnel in the field of tourism; participation in the development and implementation of international tourism development programs.

Conditions for the organization of tourist activities in Ukraine are:

1. licensing of tourist activities. In order to create equal opportunities for subjects of tourist activity in the market of tourist services and to ensure the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, the protection of the natural environment, and the improvement of the level of tourist services, the licensing of tour operator activities is carried out.

2. state registration of business entities based on the entrepreneur's place of residence. Registered entities are entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs, and Public Organizations. After registration, bank accounts are opened;

3. standardization in the field of tourist activity;

4. establishment of hotels, catering establishments and resort establishments of the appropriate category;

5. conclusion of contracts for tourist services;

6. insurance of tourists during tourist trips;

7. financial support for the activity of a tour operator and travel agent;

8. employment of workers and social guarantees for the use of their labor;

9. property liability of business entities for the use of tourist resources;

One of the documents aimed at harmonizing the legislation of Ukraine in the field of tourism with EU norms is the Strategy for the Development of Tourism and Resorts until 2026, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Its main areas are: tourism safety; regulatory framework of tourism and resorts; development of tourist infrastructure; development of human resources; marketing policy of the development of tourism and resorts of Ukraine. It defines the legal basis and policy of Ukrainian marine tourism.

State Tourism Development Agency of Ukraine is the central body of the executive power, which implements state policy in the field of tourism and resorts of Ukraine. It works on promoting the tourist brand of Ukraine in the world, develops domestic tourism and improves the quality of the national tourist product and its competitiveness in order to attract more tourists.

The Agency's activities are primarily focused on developing the tourism potential of the regions, as well as conducting marketing campaigns to promote the country as an attractive tourist destination at the domestic and international levels.

The vision of the tourism industry of Ukraine is to develop a competitive, ecologically sustainable and socially responsible tourism industry, which contributes to the creation of new jobs, ensures the availability of the tourist product for all categories of travelers and guarantees the sustainable development of communities.

Fisheries and aquaculture

Fishing, playing a unique role in solving the global food problem, has an obvious specificity, which is most clearly manifested in the natural and climatic dependence and geographical uneven distribution of resources. Its direct impact on water and bioecosystems, uncontrolled mobility and seasonal concentration, critical proximity to territorially localized infrastructure and end consumers, is causing, on the one hand, the peculiarities of entrepreneurial motivation, strategic behavior of market subjects, their organizational structures and business models, and, on the other hand, a multi-level configuration of fairly rigid institutional and regulatory policies and practices.

In Ukraine, the main legal acts in the field of fishing there is the Law of Ukraine "On Fish Farming, Industrial Fishing and Protection of Aquatic Bioresources". Fisheries legislation is based on regulations of the Constitution of Ukraine and consists of this Law and other legislative acts, international treaties of Ukraine, which are applied in Ukraine.

The State Agency of Ukraine for the Development of Land Reclamation, Fisheries and Food Programs is the central body of the executive power, whose activities are directed and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food, and which implements state policy in the field of fisheries and fish industry, protection, use and reproduction of aquatic biological resources, regulation of fishing, food supply 

The main problems of regulatory and legal support of fishing and aquaculture in Ukraine are: unprecedented tinization of the industry, the fishing industry has not actually been touched by digitalization, the current legislation on aquaculture is characterized by a general lack of adequate state control mechanisms for aquaculture activities, lack of proper legal regulation of the use of parts of water bodies facilities for the needs of aquaculture and mariculture weakens the industry, legal unsettlement regime of fish protection and other hydrotechnical structures, necessary for the regulatory regulation of aquaculture activities of the relevant entities.

It should be noted that The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, by its resolution “Some issues of implementing an experimental project on the introduction of auctions for the sale of the right to conclude lease agreements for the use of the water area (water space) of internal sea waters, territorial sea, exclusive (marine) economic zone for the purposes of marine aquaculture through electronic trading” (No. 1191 of October 14, 2022), proposed a transparent and understandable mechanism for businesses to access marine waters for the development of mariculture, which should promote equal competition conditions for all interested economic entities.


Legal framework:

  1. Association Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part 

This document establishes an association between Ukraine, on the one hand, and the Union and its member states, on the other hand in all spheres of development, including blue economy basics. The objectives of the association are to contribute to the gradual rapprochement of the Parties, based on common values and close privileged ties, as well as deepening Ukraine's connection with EU policy and its participation in programs and agencies; provide the necessary framework for enhanced political dialogue in all areas of mutual interest; promote, preserve and strengthen peace and stability in the regional and international dimensions in accordance with the principles of the UN Charter and the Helsinki Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe of 1975, as well as the goals of the Paris Charter for a New Europe of 1990; introduce conditions for strengthened economic and trade relations that will lead to the gradual integration of Ukraine into the EU internal market, including through the creation of a deep and comprehensive free trade area; strengthen cooperation in the sphere of justice, freedom and security in order to ensure the rule of law and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; to introduce conditions for ever closer cooperation in other areas of mutual interest.


  1. The Water code of Ukraine, dated June 6, 1995 No. 213/95-VR 

The main legislative act regulating social relations regarding the ownership, use and disposal of water bodies in the country. The Code is one of the basic documents for ensuring legal relations in water legislation. Entered into force in 1995. Consists of a preamble and 6 chapters ("General provisions", "State management and control in the field of water use and protection and reproduction of water resources", "Water use", "Water protection", "Disputes on the use and water protection and reproduction of water resources", "Responsibility for violations of water legislation", "International relations"). In the 1st chapter, the general provisions regulating the tasks of the water legislation of Ukraine, the competence of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea. The 2nd chapter is devoted to state issue example and control in the field of water use and protection and reproduction of water resources. It defines state, interstate and regional programs in the field of water use and protection and reproduction of water resources, as well as authorities entrusted with such management. The 3rd chapter defines the rights and obligations of water users, the types and procedure of water use. The features of the special are also outlined. The 4th section defines the procedure and mechanisms for using the lands of the water fund, as well as the establishment of water protection zones and coasts. In the 5th chapter, the procedure and mechanisms for resolving disputes on the use and protection of water and the reproduction of water resources are established and stated that they are considered by the state nature protection authorities. Chapter 6 establishes the procedure for applying the norms of international treaties regarding the use and protection and reproduction of water resources.


  1. Water strategy of Ukraine until 2050, approved by order of Cabinet of ministers of Ukraine, dated December 9, 2022 No. 1134 

The strategy is a document that defines the main principles of state policy in the field of water use and protection and reproduction of water resources and is aimed at achieving mutual agreement related to their use, increasing the level of water security and reducing to an acceptable level the risks of managing water resources on the basis sustainable integrated management of water resources.

The strategy has the following goals: Ensuring equal access to high-quality drinking water that is safe for human health and appropriate sanitary and preventive measures; Improving the quality of water bodies by achieving and maintaining a "good" ecological and chemical state of surface water masses, ecological potential artificial or significantly altered surface water bodies, the quantitative and chemical state of groundwater bodies; Provision of the necessary amount of water resources for the restoration and improvement of water ecosystems and the achievement of sustainable water intake and water supply; Reduction of the growing risks of water shortages and water excess; Introduction of integrated water resources management according to the basin the principle and principles of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development regarding water management in river basin areas, coastal and marine waters.


  1. Development strategy of Odesa region for 2021-2027

The goal of the state regional policy, which is the basis of the Strategy, is to raise the standard of living of the population, regardless of where a person lives in a united, decentralized, competitive and democratic Ukraine - development and unity, focused on people.

The document identifies territories that require special attention from the state and the use of special mechanisms and tools to stimulate their development, as well as strategic and operational goals, the implementation of which will allow the achievement of the goal of improving the quality of life of every Ukrainian.

The strategy takes into account the best European experience and approaches to regional development implemented in countries comparable to Ukraine.

The strategy is the main planning document for the spatial implementation of sectoral development strategies, the coordination of state policies in various areas, the achievement of a better effect of the use of state resources in territorial communities and regions in the interests of people, the unity of the state, and the preservation of resources for future generations of Ukrainians.

The Strategy introduces new approaches to the policy of regional development in the new planning period, namely: the transition from a predominantly territorially neutral to a territorially directed policy of development of territories based on stimulating the use of their own potential, providing support to certain territories characterized by special problems of socio-economic development

The document defines the development of all spheres of the blue economy, in particular the reproduction of the environment of the Azov and Black seas, the development of transport infrastructure, the development of domestic Ukrainian tourism,


  1. “The procedure for developing a river basin management plan” approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated May 18, 2017 No. 336

The document determines the mechanism for developing a river basin management plan. The river basin management plan is developed in order to achieve the ecological goals defined for each area of the river basin within the established time frame. The document also defines the structure of the plan. The strategic ecological goal for all areas of river basins is to achieve/maintain a “good” ecological and chemical state of surface water bodies, a “good” chemical and quantitative state of groundwater bodies, as well as a “good” ecological potential of artificial or significantly altered surface water bodies.


Fisheries and aquaculture

  1. Strategy for the development of the fishing industry of Ukraine for the period up to 2030 and approval of the operational plan of measures for its implementation in 2023-2025, approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated May 2, 2023 No. 402

This Strategy defines priority goals and tasks aimed at solving economic, ecological and social problems, the implementation of which will make it possible to improve state policy in the field, create favorable conditions for increasing the volume of extraction (fishing) of aquatic biological resources, and increase the bioproductivity of internal fisheries water bodies, internal sea waters and the territorial sea, to increase the production of aquatic biological resources and products made from them in order to guarantee the food security of the state.

The purpose of the Strategy is to ensure the sustainable development of the fishing industry of Ukraine in the conditions of climate change, the preservation of natural reserves of aquatic biological resources, the reduction of import dependence of the industry, the increase of its competitive potential and the creation of conditions for investment development, as well as the increase of production of aquatic biological resources and products made from them through improvement of the ecological condition of fishery water bodies and the balance of economic and social interests.

The strategy outlines a road map for reforming fisheries in the medium-term perspective, and provides for a clear vector of development – i.e. stocking of reservoirs. The process of reforming the Ukrainian fisheries industry involved significant updates to the industry legislative framework, which to some extent contributed to the revitalization of business interests in the field of aquaculture in Ukraine.


  1. Law of Ukraine “ On Fishery, Industrial Fishing and Protection of Water Bioresources”, dated July 8, 2011 No. 3677-VI

The law defines the basic principles of activity and state regulation in the field of fisheries, conservation and rational use of aquatic biological resources, the order of relations between state authorities, local self-government bodies and business entities that carry out fishery activities in water bodies (parts thereof), internal sea waters and the territorial sea, the continental shelf, the exclusive (maritime) economic zone of Ukraine and the open sea.


  1. Law of Ukraine “ On Aquaculture”, dated 18 September 2012 No. 5293-VI

The principles of state policy, the basic principles of aquaculture development and operation, the legal fundamentals for the activities of executive authorities and local governments in the field of aquaculture are defined by this Law.

  1. Order of the Ministry of agrarian policy and food of Ukraine dated 30.01.2013 No. 45 "On Approval of Aquaculture (Fish Farming) and Fish Productivity Zones in the Regions of Ukraine" 

The document Approves Aquaculture (fish farming) and fish productivity zones in the regions of Ukraine. It delegates to the relevant bodies of the executive power to comply with the norms of aquaculture (fish farming) zones and zonal fish productivity in the regions of Ukraine when providing water bodies (parts thereof) for the purpose of fish breeding; to submit to the State Fisheries Agency of Ukraine information on the state of compliance with the norms of aquaculture (fish farming) zones and zonal fish productivity in the regions of Ukraine.


Marine transport. 

  1. Strategy for the implementation of the provisions of the directives and regulations of the European Union in the field of international maritime and inland water transport ("road map"), approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 11, 2017 No. 747

The purpose of the Strategy is to introduce the internal market regime in the relevant sector based on the principle of reciprocity. Such a regime provides for the absence of any restrictions on the freedom to provide services in the relevant field by a legal entity on the territory of the other party in relation to persons of Ukraine and member states of the European Union, who are established in Ukraine or the European Union.

The main task of the Strategy is the adaptation of national legislation to the legislation of the European Union, which will contribute to liberalization and mutual access to the markets of Ukraine and the European Union and the full fulfillment by Ukraine of its obligations in the field of commercial shipping and inland water transport, which it has undertaken under international agreements in these areas.

An important task of the Strategy is to ensure the implementation of International Maritime Organization standards established in Ukraine's international treaties.

The tasks of the Strategy also include the development of a stable, permanent mechanism for monitoring international standards in the fields of commercial shipping and inland water transport, taking timely measures to join the relevant international treaties in accordance with the plan of measures and further implementation of the specified documents into national legislation with the organization of their implementation.


  1. Law of Ukraine “On Seaports of Ukraine”, dated May 17, 2012 No. 4709-VI

This Law regulates relations in the field of port activity, in particular, establishes the foundations of state regulation of activities in seaports, the procedure for the construction, opening, expansion and closure of seaports in Ukraine, the procedure for carrying out economic activities on their territory, including the provision of services, defines the legal regime on of port infrastructure facilities.

This Law regulates the activities of the executive authorities that carry out state regulation, management, state supervision and control over the safety of navigation, supervision and control in the field of seaports, the national commission that carries out state regulation in the field of transport, the administration of seaports of Ukraine, owners of sea terminals, stevedoring companies, other economic entities conducting their activities in the sea port, and consumers of their services (goods, works).


  1. National Transport Strategy of Ukraine for the period up to 2030, approved by order of Cabinet of ministers of Ukraine, dated May 30, 2018 No. 430 

Strategy is designed to comprehensively solve existing problems in the transport industry and contains priorities for its development, in particular in the context of the implementation of the European integration course and the implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine, on the one hand, and the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and their states- members, on the other hand, as well as changes in the geopolitical environment in the region.

The strategy defines the main directions of improving the quality of the provision of transport services, envisages bringing the level of their provision and infrastructure development closer to European standards, increasing the level of safety and reducing the negative impact on the surrounding natural environment, responds to the need to improve the management system, carry out administrative reform and decentralize the powers of central executive bodies authorities, introduction of anti-corruption policy, corporate governance in the state sector of the economy.


  1. Law of Ukraine “On inland water transport”, dated December 3, 2020 No. 1054-IX

The law defines the legal, economic and organizational principles of the functioning of inland water transport and is aimed at creating favorable conditions for its development, meeting the needs of citizens in affordable, high-quality and safe transportation


Marine tourism.

  1. Strategy for the development of tourism and resorts until 2026, approved by order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 16, 2017 No. 168

The document defines the development of the entire field of tourism and the blue sector as well. Its goal is to create favorable conditions for the activation of the development of the field of tourism and resorts in accordance with international quality standards and taking into account European values, transforming it into a highly profitable, competitive field integrated into the world market, which ensures acceleration socio-economic development of the regions and the state as a whole, contributes to the improvement of the quality of life of the population, harmonious development and consolidation of society, popularization of Ukraine in the world.

The main strategic goals of the development of tourism and resorts, taking into account the current state and development trends of Ukraine for the period until 2026, are defined in the Strategy: creation of a competitive national tourist product on the basis of systematic marketing activities aimed at clear positioning of various types of tourist products adapted to the requirements and expectations of consumers; ensuring effective and comprehensive use of existing tourist and resort-recreational potential; systematic improvement of the quality of the infrastructure of resorts and recreational areas through the implementation of a comprehensive program of step-by-step improvement of the material and technical base using the possibilities of cluster models; improving the information infrastructure of recreational and tourist services by creating tourist information centers and popularizing tourist products; ensuring the conformity of the price and quality of tourist products by creating conditions for optimizing the organizational and economic structure of small and medium-sized business entities in the field of tourism and developing national standards for the provision of tourist services in accordance with international standards; organization of a system of high-quality training, retraining and advanced training of tourist support and service specialists.


  1. Law of Ukraine “On Tourism”, dated 15 September 1995 No. 324/95-VR

The Law determine the general legal, organizational and socio-economic principles of enforcing the state policy of Ukraine on tourism and aims at ensuring the rights of citizens enshrined by the Constitution of Ukraine to rest, freedom of movement, healthcare, environment safe for life and health, satisfying the spiritual needs and other rights when making tourist trips. It determines the principles of the reasonable use of tourism resources and regulates the relations related to the organisation and carrying out tourism on the territory of Ukraine.

International legal framework: Conventions, Directives and Legal acts in Blue Economy

Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the regions on a new approach for a sustainable blue economy in the EU Transforming the EU's Blue Economy for a Sustainable Future


Directive (EU) 2015/2302 on package travel and linked travel arrangements  


Directive 2006/123/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 on services in the internal market

Directive 2011/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 on the application of patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare


COM (1997) 678: Green Paper on sea ports and maritime infrastructure


Council Regulation (EEC) No 4055/86 of 22 December 1986 applying the principle of freedom to provide services to maritime transport between Member States and between Member States and third countries


Council Regulation (EEC) No 4057/86 of 22 December 1986 on unfair pricing practices in maritime transport


Directive 2000/59/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2000 on port reception facilities for ship-generated waste and cargo residues - Commission declaration


Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the regions on Maritime safety: at the heart of clean and modern shipping


Directive 2008/56/EC establishing a framework for community action in the field of marine environmental policy (Marine Strategy Framework Directive) 


Commission Regulation (EU) 2023/1315 of 23 June 2023 amending Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market in application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty and Regulation (EU) 2022/2473 declaring certain categories of aid to undertakings active in the production, processing and marketing of fishery and aquaculture products compatible with the internal market in application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty 


Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the regions on Strategic guidelines for a more sustainable and competitive EU aquaculture for the period 2021 to 2030