Project Information

Mobile app

Work package WP6 – Mobile application Blue eco mar
Lead beneficiary: IBEDC

Main deliverables and achievements status and way forward:
D 6.1 Mobile app;



WP6 – Mobile application Blue Eco Mar

  • IBEDC has selected subcontractor for development of Mob App with web portal. The subcontractor has designed web portal and presented project team.  Also shaped online survey for collecting profiles and data from Blue economy actors which put on the web portal. The company has finalized on construction of the system; 
  • Scope of the project is to develop fully functional Web portal and Mobile apps for Android and IOs systems. Mobile apps and Web portal share same frontend functionalities, connect to same database thus be synced 24/7.Mobile is intended to help SMEs and start-ups of Ukraine, Bulgaria and Georgia in developing their businesses(especially in the context of integration to touristic sector) in two dimensions: promoting services and improving capacity for blue economy market integration (incl. expanding market linkages and strengthening value chains) and identifying and taping into potential public/private investors;
  • The digital expert designed the ToR for the mobile app and web portal development services and coordinate the activity of the service provider. The steps included project discovery phase, detailed technical documentation, UI/UX, Web portal Frontend Development, System Backend Development and mobile app development. Data gathering, data input and testing carried out within the next sub-activities;
  • Web portal and Mobile app for Android and IOs systems - help SMEs and start-ups of Bulgaria, Georgia and Ukraine in developing their businesses (especially in the context of integration to touristic sector); 
  • Promote services and improve capacity for blue economy market integration identify and tap into potential public/private investors.


Web and mobile app functionalities

  • 1-st category (promoting services of business entities involved to coastal and maritime tourism, fisheries and aquaculture and maritime transport) will include:
  • business entities database in the field of coastal and maritime tourism, fisheries and aquaculture and maritime transport (with possibility to place profiles on web-page and possibility for customers to book, order and pay for the services via web-page);
  • The coastal and maritime tourism infrastructure and routes in Ukraine, Bulgaria and Georgia (routes map and description);
  • 2-nd category (helpdesk for investors and business entities on how to find and contact each other in the field of coastal and maritime tourism, fisheries and aquaculture and maritime transport) will include:
  • Step-by-step instruction for investors on how to find and invest in business entities in the field of coastal and maritime tourism, fisheries and aquaculture and maritime transport;
  • Information about investment environment, doing business, tax policy etc. in each partner country;
  • guidelines for business entities on how to promote and present their businesses among potential public/private investors.


The website is created within “Digital Blue economy and innovation Acceleration Network (DBAN) project No. 101077599, funded by the European Union through EMFAF (2021-2027). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.” The web platform is created within “Digital Blue economy and innovation Acceleration Network (DBAN) project № 101077599, funded by the European Union through EMFAF (2021-2027). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”