Project Information


Work package WP5 – Increase of Capacity for Blue Economy Actors
Lead beneficiary: IBEDC and OSAU

Main deliverables and achievements status and way forward:
 D 5.1 IBEDC Training session course materials including curriculum;

Main Goals (IBEDC)

  • Goal: To develop  Blended Course on Digital skills and Competences for promoting services of business entities involved to coastal and maritime tourism, fisheries and aquaculture and maritime transport.
  • to support SMEs in harnessing the potential of digital technologies to innovate and improve their interaction with their beneficiaries, constituencies and partners.  
  • to improve the efficiency of their work and the quality and format of services offered to stakeholders.
  • Blended course: online and offline capacity building exercises, including an online self-assessment test, three face-to-face workshops, each followed by individual homework and webinars, and online assessment tests.


WP5 – Increase of Capacity for Blue Economy Actors

  • The training module focused on providing the stakeholders of digital technologies to innovate and improve their interaction with their beneficiaries, customers and partners, as well as to improve the efficiency of their work. In today’s world the digital skills & competences are essential and vital part of any business especially coastal and maritime tourism, fisheries and aquaculture and maritime transport.  
  • IBEDC has organized 3 training modules in April, May 2023 and April 2024 for 100 participants from the Maritime Tourism, Transport & Logistics, Fishering and Aquaculture.
  • Training module duration - 5 days (30 hours)


The training concentrated on following areas:

  • IT skills and competence for companies’ Workflow(E-tools for project, task and team management): technological developments in IT sphere brings many efficient tools for managing tasks and teams, simplifying the process and making the coordination more effective. The knowledge how to use such tools, will make business management more productive;
  • IT for cybersecurity issues – importance of cyber security / hygiene, major aspects of protecting own software / computer system, data protection, etc;
  • IT for Efficient Communications(various tools for online/distance communication): the importance of working on distance, developing / implementing various tasks online becomes more and more important in today’s world. So, making familiar with relevant tools which makes online communication / collaboration effective  - is essential;  
  • IT for Working with Beneficiaries and Stakeholders (Digital marketing and PR tools):  the marketing / PR activities are gradually taking place in digital space. The outreach to target audience via digital platforms are more efficient, cost-effective and bring better results. Accordingly, better skills in digital PR / Marketing is important for any businesses, especially for start-ups. 


Training modules in digital skills and competences

The website is created within “Digital Blue economy and innovation Acceleration Network (DBAN) project No. 101077599, funded by the European Union through EMFAF (2021-2027). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.” The web platform is created within “Digital Blue economy and innovation Acceleration Network (DBAN) project № 101077599, funded by the European Union through EMFAF (2021-2027). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”